A lot of people ask me where to get information about photography and Photoshop on the net.
Below is a list of places that I visit when I need information or guidance
- Photographer, Photoshop Evangelist and font of all knowledge is Gavin Hoey and he has great site for tutorials for both photography and Photoshop. Gavin's unique presentation style makes it easy to follow even the most complicated Photoshop techniques. His newly rebuilt website can be found at http://www.gavtrain.com/
- Canadian Dave Cross is part of NAPP (National Association of Photoshop Professionals) abd is part of Kelby Training. He has some wonderful quick Photoshop tips. Dave can be contacted through Twitter and will answer your questions on his podcast 'Ask Dave' which can be found here : http://kelbytv.com/askdave/
- Kelby Training also provide several other podcasts. One of my favourites is PhotoshopUsertv which is presented in the form of a television broadcast and as well as it's regular presenters it has many guests from the world of photography. PSUTV can be found here : http://kelbytv.com/photoshopusertv/
- Another broadcast from the Kelby stable is D-Town TV. This is a TV programme dedicated to DSLR users. It has lots of ideas and information for DLSR users from beginner to professionals and is the perfect companion to PSUTV. D-Town TV can be found here : http://kelbytv.com/dtowntv/
- An interesting site to visit, especially if you're into RAW photography is Fro Knows Photo. The site is run by photographer Jared Polin and full of information, videos and RAW files for you to attempt to edit and share. The site contains a several forums for you to post questions, post your images or take part in the weekly challenges set by Fro himself. The site can be found here : http://froknowsphoto.com/
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