Monday, 10 September 2012

A Walk in Derbyshire

Hi All,

Last Wednesday I took the day off work to go walking in the Peak District in Derbyshire. I initially wanted to go to the Nine Ladies Stone Circle in Stanton in the Peak but when I arrived there I found the batteries in the camera were flat. Very disappointing !!

I went back home put the D300s batteries on charge and grabbed my Nikon S3100 compact camera and headed out again. I was too late to go back to Stanton so I decided to try out a walk I'd seen in a book called 'Walks around Shirland and Higham. I decided to do walk number 3 in the book. This would take from Higham through Brackenfield, up towards Wessington and the finally back down into the Amber Valley and into Higham again. It was a great day out although it was a little too hot for my liking. 

Anyway, below are a few shots take along the way. The full compliment of shots can be found on my website at

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